Tagged by Alan
1. Go to your photo folder in your computer.
2. Go to the 6th folder of photos.
3. Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
4. Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
5. Invite six friends to join the challenge.
6. Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged..
1. CiCigurl
2. ~nora faziera~
3. *Chaotic Emphaty*
4. Azmahal
5. Anis
6. Hanis Zalikha..bolehh? =D
1. CiCigurl
2. ~nora faziera~
3. *Chaotic Emphaty*
4. Azmahal
5. Anis
6. Hanis Zalikha..bolehh? =D
kakak~cmne tag tuh~sy x fhm lorh~adeit~~~
owh..nora copy jea instructions tue..then bukak folder gambar nora, pilih folder keenam..then pilih gambar keenam dlm folder keenam tue..pastu letak gambar keenam tue bwh instruction..then describe laa..then nora pilih laa nak tag sapa2 kawan nora yg ada blog..selamat men'coba' bak kata FT..=p
owhhhhh~saya fhm sudah!eheheh~
okay2~saya COBA!
kakak~FT ptong wambut da ker?aritu mystarz LG sy xtgk~tatawu plak~ehe~
mcm mnang juara lagu je... gambar kumpulan slepas majlis setelah meraih anugerah.... heheh
hahaha..boleh tahan laa..tp nama kumpulan kami kumpulan cacamarba..dress code sume cm rojak..berwarna warni..=)
nora, tatau laa sbb kita pun tak tgk my starz lg masa tue..
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